Tuesday, October 16, 2007

What kind of value can or should we place on friendships and relationships? Anyone who has established deep, honest, genuine, and trusting relatioships know that there is no way to either purchase or define their worth.
I had the joy of spending time with my 'hommie' (inside joke) Kermit Bell this week. Kermit is the lead pastor of Glad Tidings in Austin, TX. Being able to address, discuss and even debate matters of life (and in our particular cases ministry) is not only refreshing but I would even go as far as saying crucial to our ability to discern, process, and then ultimately as a consquence pursue God's workings.
Thanks for the time bro.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Mike!!!!!
I have tried several times over the years to find where you are, and I finally got lucky this time! I was in your youth group at Glad Tidings in Austin (Hi Kermit!). I was Kara Wilson back then. You made a lasting impact on me, and I will always remember you and your family. I still enjoy looking back at pictures from that time. It's great to see how the kids have grown. They were my sweethearts when they were little! I saw from some of your pictures that you were in New Orleans. I live in Baton Rouge. It's too bad I didn't find you before your trip down here! It would have been so wonderful to see you again! I'll check back on your blog from time to time to see what's going on with you. Take care and God bless!!

Kara McCullough