Friday, October 5, 2007

Sara and I had a great time celebrating our 25th Wedding Anniversary in the Big Apple. First time there. Pizza in Brooklyn, The Empire State Building, Cental Park, The Meat Packing District, Macys, Paella in The Village, Cup Cakes from the Magnolia Bakery, China Town, Little Itlay, Spanish Harlem, Staten Iland, etc., etc., etc. Our legs about fell off. Lest I forget, the first tornado that touched the city (Brookly) in over 100 years! Les Miseralbe now my all time favorite and 4 free vouchers to fly in future. PTL!

On a more somber not, I believe every American should visit Ground Zero. We saw it on foot and also by helicopter (although from a little distance). Our nation and what the Grand Lady stands for should make us all very proud and thankful!

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