Tuesday, March 18, 2008

I just arrived from my most recent trip to Honduras. Isai Quinones from Calexico, CA, Rey Mejia from Delano, CA and myself were able to speak to gatherings of AG pastors from both the Southern and Northern parts of the country. It was a great time filled with great blessings as well as suspense and intrigue (I lost my passport).

What is so special about these types of trips?The geography? Sure. The culture? Of course. As I think about what missions looked like this time around, I came to realize that even though we were asked to lead and teach pastoral or leadership seminars, what really came out was the sharing of life and life experiences. We're all basically the same. Called but human. Facing the same ministry challenges. I found it necessary to lay as the groundwork for our coming the thought that we were there to share who we were, how we live in ministry and what life has taught us thus far. The last thing I wanted to do and probably the last thing they would have wanted was someone else telling them how to do it right! What made this missions trip so special? What make ministry so special? For me it is and was living and sharing life together as co-laborers and friends because we're all the same. All of our lives have great value and that value is meant to be shared here, there and everywhere.

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